Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 The "election cycle" has been in full swing for a while now.  I get LOTS of stuff from the Trump campaign, including unrequested text messages on my phone, literature in the mail box, emails and all the rest.

Trump had my support in 2016.  I believed God was raising him up "for such a time as this."  As it appeared that only a miracle would produce an "election victory" over Hillary and the Democrats, I was fairly certain that God had intervened.  Daniel 4:17, 25, 32 were all on my radar:  "... the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, gives it to whomever He will, and sets over it the lowest of men."

The "lowest of men" part made sense.  I'd also read the prayer of Manasseh, and believed in redemption.  God changes people - He sure changed me.  So I spent the next four years giving The Donald the benefit of almost every doubt.  "He knows what he's doing," I thought.  He has the big picture, and God is behind it.  The Swamp is big and he might not be able to drain it all, but we've been praying for revival since the Promise Keepers stood in the gap in 1997.  Our God hears and answers prayer.

The "Covid Pandemic" changed all that.  Trump betrayed every single one of us.  He gave Fauci and Birx all the leverage they needed to foist this scam on a trusting public and begin the final destruction of the country.  And then when some of the MAGA faithful were hauled off to the DC Gulag following the scam "insurrection" he didn't do a damned thing for them.

Trump is treacherous.  He's owned by the British Pilgrim Society, and apparently ultimately beholden to the British Crown and the City of London.  He's offered as a "political messiah" but he's exactly the kind of false messiah that Jesus warned us about.  He did NOT almost take a bullet in Butler, PA last July.  That whole narrative "starts with H and rhymes with 'jokes'."  Anything more explicit gets banned on YouTube and maybe by this platform also.

I doubt there will be an election in November, and I suspect all the "candidates" already know it.  This is just money-laundering in plain sight.  As Claire Wolfe (I believe) famously said, "If voting could change anything, it would be illegal."  I'm not at all concerned.  We don't need "democracy" or elections, or "selections."  We need a benevolent despot.

I expect He will arrive directly.

More on "the incident" here:

Friday, August 9, 2024

Stop Beating Yourself Up

I like football.  I follow the Packers every year, from the pre-season through the first game of the playoffs when they tend to choke and bomb out.  Whenever they are down at half time, I encourage myself and my fellow-fans with the truism that "anything the other team did to the Packers during the first half, the Pack can do to them in the second."  They put up 20 and hold us to 3, we can do the same and go into overtime tied.

Of course, no one plays for a tie.  At half time, both teams re-calibrate.  Figure out how to exploit weaknesses discovered, and figure out how to avoid making mistakes.  "Get your head in the game."  Make them beat us, if they can.  We don't want to beat ourselves.

We've seen plenty of come-from-behind heroics - in the NFL (okay, so maybe it's rigged) but also in life.  Your life and mine.

Satan, sin, the world-flesh-and-devil, all combine to beat the hell out of us when we're stupid, poorly coached, maybe unmotivated, maybe mis-prioritised.   But we're in the second half now, and need not dwell on the fumbles, dropped passes, or any of the other mistakes we made before half time. 

Yes, I screwed up a lot - I assume most of us probably did.  None of us can ever think we "did okay" or somehow "deserve" to win this game.  The best we can do during the second half is listen CAREFULLY to the Coach and follow His directions.  If we can just do that, we can still prevail.  We can still become the men (and women) God wants us to become.  We are still His workmanship.

We're close to the "finish line" (to switch to Paul's metaphor in Heb. 12:1) but we're not there yet.  Stop looking back at the mistakes of your past (Phil. 3:13) and look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.  He is coming soon, and His reward is with Him.